about us

The mission of the YÖRET Foundation is to strengthen the psychological counselors and to increase the quality of life of the society by carrying out continuous education and service projects to contribute to the education and development of children and young people.


Brief History


The Foundation for Promoting and Guiding Guidance in Higher Education was established in 1972 to contribute to the promotion and promotion of the Guidance and Psychological Counseling profession. In the years it was founded, it provided the printing of the first “Universities Guide”, applied an “Orientation” program for students who have just started to Istanbul University, and provided an example of a guidance study and provided in-service training to professional staff.

The Foundation's work has been reorganized since 1990 depending on the needs of psychological counselors. In addition to the dissemination of educational services, it has expanded its target audience by conducting studies to contribute to the personal development of individuals working in managers, counselors, educators, parents / youth, non-governmental organizations and other professional fields with the training programs prepared within the scope of various projects.


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